Friday, August 28, 2009

Ahhh, recess!

I have just gotten back from a much needed break in my summer Graduate studies and have experienced, first hand, the need for people of ALL ages to have a respite from instruction.

When I shut everything down a few days ago and headed for Maine, I was discouraged and exhausted. This summer has been most challenging for me and not too much fun. I am feeling very guilty that I have not given my kids any time to recharge before they go back to school. KJ has had a grueling summer of 3 AP class prep work, (Physics, Calculus and American History) 5 very tough books to read, 8 essays to write, work and a new relationship. Ellie has had 2 Honors programs to prep for 4 books and State Tournaments in Softball and AAU basketball, both teams making it to the final game!

During all this I have been taking 2 on-line grad courses, which I have found to be much more time consuming than I had ever imagined. I have learned a lot, but will never again take an on-line course unless I am totally free ! It's been "real" as we used to say!

The break in Maine was good, I found a little spark to hold onto, and I think I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. If I can just hunker down and hold on, I have enough energy to get through! Thanks to recess!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Research in Education

I have been working very long and hard on a research course and am feeling the burn (out) and wondering if I will use this knowledge at any time. At this stage of my life, entering a new field at my age, it's not likely. If I were in my 20's and looking to pad my resume for the next 50 years, maybe. But I don't like doing this type of work anymore than I like parsnips. I'll never eat parsnips!

But it's almost done and it's something new that I have conquered. I have many, many battle scars to show for it too!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Kids and recess

This is pretty long, 10 minutes, but it's what I am doing research on in another class.http://
I guess this is a show on Disney! If I get time I'm going to look at some of the other segments!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

ED466331 - Recess in Elementary School: What Does the Research Say? ERIC Digest.

ED466331 - Recess in Elementary School: What Does the Research Say? ERIC Digest.: "Compared to the rest of the school day, recess is a time when children have more freedom to choose what they want to do and with whom. In light of the current climate of school accountability, this digest discusses research on recess and its relationship to learning, social development, and child health, as well as research on related topics that have implications for recess policy such as the need for breaks and physical activity. It also reviews the relationships between recess and learning, recess and social development, and recess and child health noting that available research suggests that recess can play an important role in these three areas of development. The digest calls for further research to assess the effects of 'no recess' policies, how often recess breaks should occur, and how much involvement/guidance is needed from adult supervisors. (HTH)"

7 Reasons Why Kids Need Recess (Even the Kids Who Misbehave)

7 Reasons Why Kids Need Recess (Even the Kids Who Misbehave)